Helping Victims Of Workplace Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is an all too common occurrence in the workplace. It affects people of all genders in all professions. If you believe that you are the victim of sexual harassment, it is important to seek advice from a lawyer who can help you determine your options.

At the law firm of Fisher Taubenfeld LLP, our attorneys believe that no worker should have to endure harassment in the workplace. We advocate on the behalf of employees whose right to work free of intimidation is violated by colleagues and supervisors alike. We are here to help you understand and protect your rights. For a free phone consultation, call our law offices in New York at 646-741-3490.

What Does Sexual Harassment Look Like?

Sexual harassment can encompass any type of unwanted sexual behavior, including:

  • Repeated lewd and offensive comments
  • Repeated sexual advances
  • Exposure to sexual images or materials
  • Unwanted touching

Harassing behavior does not have to be confined to your regular working hours. It is still sexual harassment if the illegal behavior occurs at company-sponsored events or off-site work-related activities.

Categorizing Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is generally grouped into two main categories: quid pro quo harassment and hostile workplace harassment. Quid pro quo harassment occurs when an employee’s submission to or rejection of unwelcome sexual conduct is used as a basis for employment decisions. For example, demanding sexual favors in exchange for a raise or a promotion, or firing or disciplining an employee who refuses sexual advances. To establish quid pro quo harassment, New York City law only requires that an employee show that he or she was treated “less well” for refusing sexual advances.

A hostile work environment is present when the unwanted behavior is pervasive and repeated. It is possible to prevail on a hostile work environment claim even if no adverse action, such as termination or a demotion, has been taken against the complaining employee. Examples of a hostile work environment include making repeated sexual jokes, inappropriate touching, unwanted flirting and repeatedly asking someone out on a date, especially if previous advances were declined.

Contact Us If You Believe You Are The Victim Of Workplace Harassment

Sexual harassment in the workplace should never be tolerated. Schedule a phone consultation with our attorneys by calling 646-741-3490 or toll-free 866-654-0343. You may also send an email directly through our website.

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