Protection For Victims Of Nonsexual Harassment On The Job
Federal, state and city laws prohibit a hostile work environment based on characteristics other than sex, including:
- Race
- National origin
- Religion
- Disability
- Age
- Other characteristics protected by law
If you believe that you have experienced illegal harassment in the workplace, the attorneys of Fisher | Taubenfeld LLP will assess your potential claim during a confidential phone consultation. We are committed to using our litigation skills to help workers throughout New York City put a stop to unlawful harassment by supervisors and co-workers.
Manhattan Hostile Work Environment Lawyers | Helping Workers Understand Prohibitions On Nonsexual Harassment
A hostile work environment involves physical or verbal conduct that is so severe or pervasive as to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile or abusive. It can include:
- Insults
- Inappropriate jokes
- Epithets
- Threats
- Assaults
- Intimidation
- Ridicule or mockery
Nonsexual harassment includes actions such as a condescending boss criticizing or censuring an employee’s inability to work on a religious holiday; making derogatory comments regarding a worker’s national origin; making comments about a worker’s age, such as “old man” or “over the hill;” and posting offensive objects or photos in the workplace.
City law applies more protective standards against workplace harassment than federal and state law. For example, in order to prove a hostile work environment under federal and state law, an individual must show that the harassing conduct was so severe or pervasive as to alter his or her terms or conditions of employment. City law, on the other hand, only requires showing that the individual was treated “less well;” an employer can only overcome such a situation showing by establishing that the conduct was nothing more than “petty slights” or “trivial inconveniences.”
Contact Fisher | Taubenfeld LLP
We offer a free and confidential phone consultation in which you can discuss your workplace mistreatment. Send an email or call 646-741-3490, toll-free 866-654-0343, to speak with an experienced New York nonsexual harassment lawyer.