Plainly speaking, discrimination claims are complex. For employees, dealing with discrimination in the workplace can be overwhelming and challenging. If an employee is part of a protected class (some examples include race, religion and gender) and discriminated against in the workplace, he or she may have a strong employment law claim.
In New York, there are anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination within the workplace. These laws also protect individuals against employer retaliation (such as being demoted or fired for reporting discrimination).
Waiting too long to contact a lawyer to learn about federal and New York employment law can be detrimental to your situation. Most people understand that as discrimination at work progresses, they need legal advice but may not know when exactly to contact a lawyer.
So, how soon is too soon? In reality, it is never too early to become informed about your situation, your legal options if your situation worsens and how a lawyer can help.
At Serrins Fisher LLP, we take a hands-on approach to working with our clients. We encourage early action to be taken by employees. New York City has very specific laws on anti-discrimination in the workplace, and our attorneys make it a priority to stay up-to-date with changing laws.
Regardless of the stage of your claim (or if you have questions about whether or not you have a discrimination claim), taking initiative is important. With sound legal advice, you can make an informed decision for your situation.
Recently, we blogged about a Senate-approved bill that would prohibit discrimination in the workplace based on sexual orientation. City and state laws already offer such protections for gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual individuals, but the bill now before Congress would offer federal protections.
Additional information on different types of discrimination cases and our approach to working with clients can be found on our main discrimination page.