It’s very clear under modern labor laws that workplace discrimination is illegal. The law has established certain protected classes, such as race, age, religion and pregnancy status. These are just a few examples, but discriminating against employees within these...
Actions that may indicate discrimination
Workplace discrimination involves unfair treatment of workers who are in a protected class. Examples of protected classes include national origin, race, age, religion, gender and more. Regardless of these inherent qualities, all workers need to be treated fairly....
Why a blanket workplace “English only” policy is discriminatory
New York City is home to people who speak just about every recognized language in the world. However, in most workplaces, people are required to speak English (even if it’s their second or third language) to do their job. That doesn’t mean, however, that employers can...
Millennials should be prepared for age-related mistreatment
Like most people approaching 40, you probably see yourself as fit and sharp enough to continue contributing to the workforce and economy for many more years. Unfortunately, workplace ageism could mean that some managers and co-workers see you differently than you see...
Did your employer violate the CROWN Act?
If you are a person of color living and working here in New York City, you may have experienced your share of discrimination and microaggressions. However, many overt and covert acts can fall short of the legal standard to take action in a court of law. But since the...
3 things you should know about the ADEA
Familiarizing yourself with crucial employment laws can make all the difference if you are an employed professional. One such significant law is the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), a pivotal component safeguarding older employees from age-related biases...
4 steps to fight back against workplace discrimination
Discrimination, whether based on race, gender, age, disability or other factors, can negatively impact your career growth and personal well-being. You should not take it lying down or put up with discriminatory practices at your workplace in the name of protecting...
3 things to know about LGBTQIA++ discrimination at work in New York
In New York, the fight against workplace discrimination, particularly against individuals in the LGBTQIA++ community, has been a significant focus, underscored by legal protections and evolving understandings of gender identity and expression. The New York State...
Is a dress code a discriminatory policy?
Employees have a right to a safe work environment. The general idea of this means that employees can not be wrongly targeted, attacked, stalked or harassed because they are a minority. Gender, country of origin, sexual attraction, age, disability and pregnancy are all...
New York employment discrimination laws vs. federal ones
It's unlawful to discriminate against an employee or job applicant based on race, color, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity and national origin. New York State and New York City have regulations that are slightly different from federal ones. But are...
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