Have you been the victim of illegal employment practices?

U.S. employment laws afford employees many rights, protections and privileges. Unfortunately, there are employers out there, both big and small, that routinely disregard and violate these laws. Consequently, many hard-working employees are subjected to acts of harassment, discrimination, wage theft and wrongful termination.

Employees in New Your City who have been the victims of sexual harassment, disability discrimination, pay inequities and wage theft have rights and are advised to seek help from an attorney who handles employment law matters. An attorney can answer questions and provide strong legal advocacy for individual employees who may otherwise feel bullied, pressured and otherwise discouraged from speaking up and taking action to stop illegal employment practices.

Every employee’s story and circumstances are unique. It’s imperative, therefore, that an attorney listens to an individual’s concerns and works to devise and tailor legal solutions to meet the specific needs and goals of each client. This includes understanding when it may be in a client’s best interests to settle versus litigate a matter.

The attorneys at Serrins and Fisher, LLP are above all advocates for employee rights. Our team of skilled attorneys has spent decades helping employees who have suffered injustices and inequities at the hands of employers, supervisors and co-workers. The laws governing employment practices are always evolving and our attorneys apply their wide breadth of knowledge to pursue an outcome that is most desirable and advantageous for our clients.

super lawyers
New York County Lawyers Association
New York City Bar
NELA Advocates for Employee Rights National Employment Lawyers Association
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