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Workplace harassment and discrimination—the importance of taking action

On Behalf of | Sep 18, 2015 | Workplace Discrimination |

From sexually-explicit and racist comments to physical threats and acts of bullying; workers in every industry, position and pay scale may report being victims of workplace harassment and discrimination. While state and federal laws exist banning these types of acts, they can only be enforced if an individual comes forward and reports the abuses they’ve suffered.

For workers who believe they have been the target of wage theft, pregnancy discrimination, sexual harassment or racial discrimination; it’s imperative to come forward to report the injustices one has suffered to a supervisor or a company’s human resources department.

Once an employee has filed an official complaint, he or she has the right to request that an employer “prepare a written report…and conduct an investigation.” Additionally, a wronged employee has a right to request that the individual or individuals who committed the harassing or discriminatory actions be disciplined in some fashion.

Even in cases where an employee follows the steps outlined above, some employers fail to take these types of matters seriously and fail to follow through with an investigation. For these reasons, it’s often wise to consult with an attorney who handles employment law cases. Throughout the entire process, an employee should keep detailed records and attempt to obtain any evidence that may bolster a case against an employer.

An attorney will thoroughly to investigate any and all claims made by an employee and work to build a strong case against an employer. In the event an out-of-court settlement cannot be reached or is not appropriate, an attorney will represent an individual’s best interests and provide strong legal advocacy in court.

Source: The Examiner, “How to deal with discrimination in the workplace,” Waqar Hassan, Sept. 15, 2015
