Older women often face the brunt of employment discrimination

In New York and across the country, women strive to do their best at their places of employment. Often, they have a sense of hard work and determination that give them the desire to obtain employment success and reach goals. Unfortunately, many women find themselves facing more setbacks than successes as they get older and employment discrimination begins to rear its head.

It was recently reported that women are commonly forced out of their jobs as they age. Though age discrimination can happen to anyone, women also tend to face gender discrimination on top of that. This double whammy of an issue can easily cause women to miss out on promotions, be considered out of touch with new technology and generally seen as unable to keep up in the workplace.

Though older women often have no intention of slowing down their careers for some time, their employers may simply assume that they will be leaving. As a result, these employers often no longer think of their older female employees as assets. In some cases, these workers may feel that there is nothing they can do to protect their positions, but by knowing their rights, they may be able to take action to combat age and gender discrimination.

Many New York women, especially those of an older age, detest the idea of being seen as less capable. Unfortunately, employment discrimination occurs all too often due to employers holding this misconstrued view. If individuals feel that they have been unjustly dismissed from their jobs or otherwise mistreated, they may want to find out more information on how to seek justice through legal means.

Source: Forbes, “Age Discrimination And Women In The Workplace: How To Avoid Getting Pushed Out”, Bonnie Marcus, May 12, 2018

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