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FMLA violations can result in workers’ losing jobs

On Behalf of | Feb 26, 2018 | Family Medical Leave Act |

Many people do not enjoy taking time away from work. They understand that they have duties to which they must attend and that they could potentially lose income if they miss too much work. However, there are certain events in life that may present the need to miss work, and the Family and Medical Leave Act can often help workers take time off without repercussion. Of course, some employers may violate individuals’ rights under the FMLA.

New York residents may be interested in such a situation currently taking place in another state. Reports indicated that a firefighter had requested time off under the FMLA due to his son’s being diagnosed with brain cancer. The man would also swap shifts with other workers in order to have the ability to be at the hospital with his son. However, his employer began to take issue about the man’s time off.

The man claims that his superiors limited the number of times workers could swap shifts and believes it was a direct retaliation against him. This policy change resulted in many other workers becoming upset with the man, and as a result, he eventually resigned from his position. He has recently filed a legal claim against the city and the fire chiefs, claiming retaliation and FMLA violations.

Unfair treatment at work can be difficult to deal with in any number of circumstances. When a family member is seriously ill, having to contend with work-related issues that should be covered under the FMLA can add even more stress. If New York workers have faced retaliation or otherwise had their rights violated, they may wish to consider taking legal action of their own.

Source: nwahomepage.com, “Former Springdale Firefighter Sues the City and Fire Chiefs”, Haley Hughey, Feb. 15, 2018
