The annual Christmas office party was in full swing. Laughter filled the air as coworkers enjoyed the festive atmosphere. Suddenly, someone started telling a series of increasingly crude jokes. While some people laughed, others looked uncomfortable, embarrassed or even offended. Is this just harmless fun, or is it something more serious?
What is sexual harassment?
Telling “dirty” jokes or making lewd comments can be considered sexual harassment if it creates an offensive, intimidating or hostile work environment. This type of harassment can take many forms, including unwanted touching, offensive gestures or comments or asking about a person’s sex life.
In New York, sexual harassment is against the law. Even if the behavior isn’t a crime, it’s still illegal. The key is that the conduct is unwanted and makes the victim uncomfortable.
What can you do about it?
If you experience sexual harassment at work, you have options. First, tell the person to stop. Be clear that their behavior is unwelcome. If that doesn’t work, report it to your manager or the company’s equal employment opportunity officer.
In New York City, you can also report sexual harassment to the NYC Commission on Human Rights. They take these complaints seriously. Harassers can face civil penalties up to $250,000 for willful violations.
Why seek legal help?
Seeking legal advice from an experienced lawyer can be beneficial in these situations. An experienced attorney can protect your rights and help you understand how to handle your case. They can guide you through filing a complaint or lawsuit if needed. Legal experts know the laws and can help protect your interests.
Many people feel scared or embarrassed to speak up about sexual harassment. But it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are laws to protect you and resources available to help. You don’t have to put up with offensive behavior at work. Everyone is responsible for creating a respectful work environment.