If you are not being compensated properly for the work you do, then you could have a wage theft claim. These claims stem from wage violations like unpaid overtime or failure to pay minimum wage. However, while it may seem quite obvious that an employer should be held...
Wage & Overtime
Is your employer stealing from you?
Not long ago, the economy was so bad, many people were just happy to have a job. When you are just grateful to be employed, you may overlook certain things: A schedule that conflicts with your family commitments, a lower wage than you are used to making, or...
Am I an employee or independent contractor? Why does it matter?
While there are various types of employment statuses, the two main types are employees and contractors. Understanding that there are differences between these two statuses -- and what those differences are -- is crucial for workers in order to ensure they are properly...
What do I do if my employer hasn’t paid me overtime?
Working in excess of 40 hours a week is not something people typically enjoy doing. However, for non-exempt employees across New York, it can be financially rewarding thanks to overtime pay. Eligible employees who work overtime are entitled to receive...
Where can I look for signs and evidence of wage theft?
A paycheck is one of the most important things in a person's life. It allows us to support ourselves and our families, and sometimes people have to work in jobs they hate just to make enough to do that. With all this in mind, it seems especially egregious when an...
The importance of knowing the letter (and punctuation) of the law
Unless you work in certain jobs or industries, you may not ever think about the laws that protect workers across New York. You might not be concerned with definitions or the "legalese" of every bill and amendment proposed and in place. However, in every law, every...
Changes to overtime laws remain in limbo: What does it mean for workers?
The Obama Administration pushed for reform to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) overtime rule. Reform is likely needed, as the current set threshold has not been updated in over a decade. How much of an impact would the proposal have? The proposed changes, as...
Lawsuit: unfair wages in the NFL are nothing to cheer about
We often read about the multi-million dollar contracts professional football players sign every year. The story goes that if a player has performed well or shows great potential, franchises will pay huge sums of money to sign that player. In fact, there is a salary...
Can my boss require me to work overtime?
While the days of 9-5 pretty much vanished with the explosion of the tech industry, most employees (below executive level) still expect to work about a 40 hour week. So what happens when your boss, or simply the demands of your job, requires that you put in more hours...
You’re entitled to ‘me’ time, even on the job
The Fair Labor Standards Act helps to ensure that workers are paid a fair wage. It stays quiet, however, on the issue of whether or not employers must give their employees time away from their duties to eat lunch, make a phone call or simply use the restroom....
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